The American Witchhazel, Hamamelis virginiana, has been selected as the featured plant for 2024 by the Midwest Native Plant Society. This shrub or small tree is indigenous to the region and typically grows to a height of 12-15 feet. Its unique flowering pattern is characterized by bright and fragrant yellow flowers that appear in mid to late Fall, adding color to the winter landscape. The American Witchhazel is highly adaptable to home landscapes and prefers semi-shaded habitats, as it typically grows as an understory plant. The name “Witchhazel” comes from the word “wych,” meaning to bend, as early settlers used its branches as a divining rod to locate underground water. Additionally, this plant has medicinal properties and is still used as an astringent today. 
Ann E. Geise‘s artwork depicts various parts of the plant, including its leaves, flowers, pods, galls, seeds, and twigs. The American Witchhazel is also the host of the Hazel Dagger Moth, shown in the artwork as a caterpillar. The plant may also attract a Mourning Cloak Butterfly, an overwintering butterfly that may land on it on a warm fall or winter day.

  • Not selling or exhibiting - sponsorship will be acknowledged along with other sponsors. The minimum donation is $25.00.

  • Provides one non-selling exhibitor space. Includes any indoor breakout session on Friday or Saturday afternoon. Please see the conference agenda for the indoor presentations. This does not include keynote speaker presentations on Friday evening, Saturday morning, or Saturday evening in the Roncalli Room due to space limitations. Saturday lunch for an additional cost.

  • Provides one vendor space. Includes any indoor breakout session on Friday or Saturday afternoon. Please see the conference agenda for the indoor presentations. This does not include keynote speaker presentations on Friday evening, Saturday morning, or Saturday evening in the Roncalli Room due to space limitations. Saturday lunch for an additional cost.

  • Provides one vendor or exhibitor space if needed plus one full conference registration. A written and verbal acknowledgment is given at the conference.

  • Provides one vendor or exhibitor space if needed plus two full conference registrations. Your brochures and other information can be included at the registration table. A verbal and written acknowledgment is given at the conference.

  • Provides one vendor or exhibitor space if needed plus three full conference registrations. Your brochures and other information can be included at the registration table. Verbal and written acknowledgement is given at the conference. Also, the opportunity to speak during the conference for 15 minutes.

  • Provides one vendor or exhibitor space if needed plus four full conference registrations. Your brochures and other information can be included at the registration table. A verbal and written acknowledgement is given at the conference, with an opportunity for a special advertisement on the website for one year. Also, the opportunity to speak during the conference for 15 minutes.

If you are a new vendor or exhibitor at MWNPS events and would like to participate, you must first obtain approval to sell or exhibit. To get approved or for any general questions, please send an email to mail to: [email protected]. A member of the Vendor Team will contact you shortly. You may be requested to provide photos or samples of your work. Please note that only labeled native plant species are allowed to be sold at this time, and no cultivars or nativars are permitted.

  • *Reminder: Plant vendors must sell only straight native species labeled with their scientific name. Non-native species, nativars, and cultivars are not permitted. All products and items being sold or displayed must align with the conference’s mission of “connecting people to nature.”

Saturday Lunch Option: If your registration does not include lunch (i.e. Violet or Bluebell Level), or if you have helpers that need a lunch, you can purchase the lunch available to conference attendees in the dining room. There is a limit of 2 purchased lunches. 

  • Lunch for one person

  • Lunch for 2 people


Tables for Selling or Exhibiting

  • Supplied tables are 8' long and include 2 folding chairs.
  • Indoor vendors and exhibitors will have approximately one space with one table. Please contact [email protected] for additional setup requests  (extra tables, displays, etc.) to be sure we can accommodate them due to limited indoor space.
    • Outdoor exhibitors may bring or request one table.
    • Outdoor vendors may bring or request up to 2 tables. 
  • All plant vendors will be located outdoors.



Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software